Friday, December 9, 2016

Lose Weight Not Tastebuds with Quest Bars

Losing weight is easy to say but difficult to do. How many times have you told yourself at the beginning of the year that you will lose weight? How many times have you gone to the gym in the morning only to find yourself eating a heavy meal for lunch? A lot of people want to lose weight, but only few of them actually stick to an effective meal plan.

Generally, if you want to lose weight, you have to cut back on starches and sugars. Simply put, you should refrain from eating too many carbohydrates because they stimulate the secretion of insulin in your body. Insulin is actually the primary fat storage hormone. When your levels of insulin go down, it becomes easier for fat to get out from storage and your body begins to burn them instead of carbohydrates.

Also, when your levels of insulin go down, your kidneys start to shed excess water and sodium out of your system. This causes you to gain water weight and be bloated.

 If you want to train your body to take in fewer calories without getting hungry, you should cut back on your carbohydrate intake and lower your levels of insulin. When you lower your levels of insulin, you put your fat loss on autopilot mode.

Another way to diet effectively is to lose the junk food and stick with fresh fruits and vegetables. If you are craving for chicken or beef, you can go for lean cuts. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean meat can keep you satiated without causing you to gain unnecessary weight. You can also use healthy fats such as coconut and olive oils, butter, and tallow.

Then again, going on a strict diet does not mean that you have to forget about having delicious meals. You can still make your food tasty by using herbs and spices. Each week, you can try a different recipe using the same nutritious ingredients that you have in your kitchen.

You should find ways to shake things up so that you will not get bored with eating the same kinds of food everyday. Once you trained your taste buds into eating nutritious but flavorful dishes, you will no longer crave for fried foods, junk foods, and take-outs.

How about snacks and desserts? You can still have them, but you should opt for healthier choices. For example, instead of eating potato chips for snack, you can grab a handful of almonds. Instead of eating a slice of cake for dessert, you can indulge in a bowl of fresh fruits.

Moreover, you can take snack bars with you to fill you with energy as you go about your day. Quest bars are great because they are healthy and delicious.

 They will not fatten you up, so you do not have to worry about gaining unnecessary weight. They are also available in a variety of flavors and all of them are good, so it is quite difficult to choose which one is the best Quest bar flavor.